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Released at:Oct, 12 2023Views: 3025


Hydrocelectomy is a procedure where a hydrocele is repaired or removed. A hydrocele is a sac with a collection of fluid surrounding the testicle which gives a swelling in the scrotal (groin) area. Usually, the body resorbs these fluids if this does not happen a hydrocele develops, and a reparative hydrocele surgery is performed. Bedaya Hospital has an expert team of andrologist and urologist surgeons to perform this surgery and any unexpected complications that can occur because of it.



Hydrocelectomy is a surgery performed to treat a hydrocele. There are two types of hydroceles

  • Non communicating hydrocele; In this type during development the inguinal canal did close but there is still a collection of fluid surrounding the testicle and in the scrotum. A non-communicating hydrocele is less serious than a communicating one and usually does not grow and if it does its growth is very slow.
  • Communicating Hydrocele, the collection of fluid inside the scrotum surrounding the testicle, has an opening and “communicates “with the abdomen. A communicating hernia occurs when in embryonic development a thin membrane “the processus vaginalis” does not close.

A hydrocelectomy can be done either with general or local anesthesia. General anesthesia is when you are fully put under and unaware of what is going on. Local anesthesia is any other form anesthesia where you are awake but certain parts feel no pain sensation. Your physician together with the anesthesiologist will decide for your case which is most suitable for your case and health condition, but always feel free to discuss any concerns you might have with them. In both cases you will be advised to completely fast for at least 6 hours prior to the procedure and not to drive for 24 hours after it.


Hydrocele surgery

A hydrocelectomy or a Hydrocele surgery is a theoretically simple procedure but because it is in a very vascular, nerve rich area and could affect fertility needs a team consisting of a skillful surgeon, assistant and nursing team.

The operational steps include:

  • The andrologist or urologist surgeon will make a small scrotal incision and via suction drain the fluid
  • If there is a communicating hydrocele the opening between the scrotum and abdominal cavity is closed.
  • The bulge or sac containing the fluid is removed and the incision sutured up with dissolvable sutures that should disappear within 6 weeks.


Hydrocele surgery types

As mentioned earlier there are two hydrocele types of hydroceles: A communicating type and a non-communicating type. The surgery performed in both cases is identical apart from the fact where the opening between the scrotum and the abdominal cavity is closed to prevent fluid from the abdominal cavity entering the scrotum and maybe reforming a hydrocele. 


Hydrocele surgery recovery

Hydrocele surgery recovery takes about one to two weeks if carefully following the doctors’ instructions for medication and postoperative wound care.

What to expect after surgery?

  • When waking up you might still have a drip in your arm for hydration, antibiotics and/or painkillers.
  • You might be asked to wear scrotal support this is to provide compression and lift the scrotal sac for better healing purposes, it also helps to alleviate pain or discomfort.
  • A hydrocelectomy is usually an outpatient procedure which means you can leave the same day, but it’s advised to have someone drive you home and be present with you for a couple of days because you will be requested to not do any physical effort.
  • You are allowed to shower but urgently requested not to use soap or any chemicals in the groin area for at least a week or until the wound is fully healed. After showering carefully dry the groin and make sure to keep it clean and dry to avoid infection.
  • Follow the doctor and nurse’s instruction for changing the dressing and bandages at home.

The wound is supposed to heal within 3 days to a week, if you notice any signs of infection signs like redness, heat, itching, swelling and pain. Please contact your doctor immediately! This to avoid any complications post your hydrocelectomy surgery.


Hydrocelectomy surgeries at Bedaya Hospital have shown a success rate of above 80 percent. Patients experience post recovery time experience no more pain, redness or discomfort.



Through this video, we aim to shed light on a rare case of spinal muscular atrophy, and the impact they can have on individuals and families. This couple has struggled with their child who was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and unfortunately led to his death. ICSI has allowed them to choose healthy embryos for implantation and eliminate the affected ones to guarantee the delivery of a healthy baby. We also hope to raise awareness about the importance of genetic testing and counseling, as early detection and intervention can make a significant difference in managing and treating such conditions.
