Latest technologies

Smart Incubation

 The incubator serves as an alternative to the womb in the process of in vitro fertilization, during which embryos are divided until they are qualified for transfer to the mother's uterus. While the embryos are in the incubator, their divisions are closely monitored. Our hospital, Bedaya, has two types of incubators: gas-based incubators and smart incubators. The difference is that smart incubators allow doctors to monitor the stages of embryo growth and divisions, identifying which embryos are developing correctly. This is done through a digital screen that allows tracking and recording observations without the need to open the incubator, ensuring the quality of the embryos. Embryos are typically transferred either on the third or fifth day, based on the doctor's assessment and the embryology lab. Smart incubation is often a crucial solution to increase success rates for cases with ovulation issues or repeated failures in IVF procedures.  
More details
  • IVF
  • ICSI
  • Gender Selection
  • Embryos Genetics Tests

Magnetic Separation of Sperm

  This is a modern technique used to separate healthy sperm from genetically or visually defective ones. The healthy sperm are then used in IVF procedures to increase the chances of success. This technique is employed in cases of severe sperm count deficiency, sperm deformities, increased genetic material breakage, or immobile sperm.  
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  • IVF
  • ICSI
  • Testicular Biopsy

Endometrial Injection (G-CSF)

  The thickness and health of the uterine lining are crucial factors for a successful pregnancy, as it provides protection and nourishment to the fetus. Hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen, play a significant role in building the uterine lining within a woman's body. The normal thickness of the uterine lining required for pregnancy is 10-12 millimeters. During the IVF process, when embryos are returned to the uterus, the uterine lining thickness must be appropriate for the procedure. Endometrial injection is an important technique in improving the quality and thickness of the uterine lining, making it ideal for embryo implantation. This, in turn, increases the chances of pregnancy, particularly in cases of recurrent miscarriages or repeated failures in IVF procedures.  
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  • IVF
  • ICSI
  • Gender Selection
  • Abortion
  • Frequent Failure

Assisted Hatching

  In this procedure, a small hole is created in the outer layer of the embryo before it is returned to the uterus. The goal is to increase the attachment rate of embryos to the uterine lining. This procedure is performed using a laser to enhance the chances of embryo attachment to the uterine wall and, consequently, increase the success rates of pregnancy.  
More details
  • IVF
  • ICSI
  • Gender Selection
  • Embryos Genetics Tests

Plasma Injection (PRP)

Plasma is a major component of blood containing essential elements such as salts, proteins, and antibodies. At Bedaya Hospital, we use plasma injection to restore vitality to the targeted organ. Plasma injection is used to enhance the vitality and fertility of the uterus, ovaries, or male reproductive organs. This is done before starting the micromanipulation procedures to increase the chances of success and pregnancy.  
More details
  • IVF
  • ICSI
  • Gender Selection
  • Embryos Genetics Tests

Surgical Microscope

  The surgical microscope is one of the latest technologies employed at Bedaya Hospital in the field of male surgeries. Bedaya Hospital has introduced one of the best and most advanced types of microscopes globally, capable of magnifying up to 40 times in cases of sperm count deficiency. This has significantly  
  • Varicocele
  • Testicular Biopsy

Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (PICSI)

 This technique relies on testing the sperm's ability to adhere to hyaluronic acid, a substance found in most body cells, with a particular focus on the cells surrounding the egg. In PICSI, hyaluronic acid is placed inside the microdrop dish alongside the sperm. The healthy sperm swim toward the acid, while the unhealthy ones remain in place and are discarded. Only the healthy sperm are used in the micromanipulation procedure. This increases the chances of successful fertilization and, consequently, pregnancy.  
  • ICSI
  • Gender Selection
  • Embryos Genetics Tests

Genetic Testing

 Collaboration with leading genetic research centers, both locally and globally, has had a significant impact on improving the success rates of assisted reproduction procedures at Bedaya Hospital over the past decade. The goal is not only to assist with conception but also to ensure the birth of a healthy child. Genetic testing involves examining chromosomes or genes to detect any issues that could lead to inherited diseases or genetic syndromes. We often employ this technique at Bedaya Hospital before the embryo transfer step in the IVF process to help couples ultimately conceive a healthy child free from any genetic diseases or syndromes. Bedaya Hospital has a dedicated department for genetic testing, making it one of our distinguishing features, as it ensures that the embryo is genetically sound.   Cases in which genetic testing is necessary include:

 -In cases of consanguineous marriage or if there is a family history of genetic diseases, genetic testing helps ensure that children are not born with any genetic syndrome or inherited disease. 

 -When couples wish to determine the gender of the fetus, embryo testing is performed before transfer. 

 -To identify the causes of recurrent miscarriages, repeated IVF failures, or cases of embryo abnormalities.

-If the wife is over 35 years old, it is advisable to undergo genetic testing to increase the chances of conceiving a child without any syndromes, such as Down syndrome.   

 One of the significant advantages of genetic testing is its ability to contribute to the treatment of children with genetic diseases by examining embryos and selecting healthy ones for implantation. Stem cells can then be harvested from the healthy newborn to treat the child with the genetic condition.

 In conclusion, genetic testing is an integral part of the IVF process, typically performed before the final step, which is embryo transfer, with the ultimate goal of conceiving a healthy child.  

More details
  • IVF
  • ICSI
  • Gender Selection
  • Abortion
  • Frequent Failure
